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The Truth About Email 1 Malaysia

Entri kali ni aku buat khas untuk rakyat Malaysia (buat kali kedua) yang masih tak faham dengan matlamat MyEmail dan masih memanipulasi cerita sehingga mencampur adukkan politik. Kami bukan nya menyokong mana2 pihak. Tetapi terdapat salah faham antara kerajaan dan rakyat bila pihak media memanipulasi cerita ( ada sesetengah orang tu baca berita skit je, tak tau cerita, buat2 cerita ). 

Aku dan beberapa orang lagi selalu menerangkan apa sebenarnya projek email Malaysia di Page MyEmail tetapi tetap ada berdegil mengANTI-kan MyEmail ni dengan alasan duit TAX diorang digunakan dalam projek email Malaysia ni.
Sebelum ni blog kedai kopi dah buat 1 post ( Email 1Malaysia - 5 Fakta Yang Perlu Diketahui ) terangkan pasal MyEmail dan segala salah faham, tapi certain rakyat tetap ego dan tak faham bahasa melayu jadi aku buat yang lebih lengkap dalam English.

Aku bukan lah orang TriCubes, kerajaan, atau pun pembangkang. Tetapi jelas kat sini perkara macam ni perlu ada pihak yang menerangkan secara positif projek ni. Tak boleh lah kita diam dengar orang cerita buruk je kan. Aku dah kaji MyEmail ni banyak kali. Jadi terdapat banyak salah paham antara rakyat dengan kerajaan dan Tricubes. 

Mungkin pihak Tricubes malas nak amik tau dengan komen yang tak betul kat facebook tu ( kalau tricube terangkan bukan korang nak dengan pun kan? korang lebih suka yang negatif dari positif ...Lebih percaya yangdimanipulasi dari yang sebenar..Betul kan? ) Memang ada kebaikan dan keburukkan dalam setiap benda.Tetapi kenapa dalam situasi ni korang beriya2 nak bangkang? Nak tahu kenapa hal ni berlaku? 
Jawapan nya - Sebab ada orang manipulasi cerita sebenar supaya berbaur POLITIK + orang yang tak tau cerita sebenar buat andaian sendiri.

Kenapa korang tak pertikai kan duit tax korang tu bila kerajaan guna untuk hantar surat ( setem, envelope ) ?Come on la~ Akan korang nak dengar cerita dari satu pihak je kan. Contoh- adik/abang korang dituduhmencuri. Jadi korang akan percaya dengan tuduhan tersebut? Walau adik/abang korang memang muka pencuri, tapi korang mesti nak cari fakta dan kebenaran tuduhan tersebut kan? Itu cuma perumpamaan aku dalam kes ni. Rakyat terlalu lemah sehingga mudah percaya dengan pendapat orang.

Sebernanya aku buat post ni untuk pamerkan 10 FAKTA mengenai MyEmail yang aku dapat dari press conference MyEmail. Yang ni mungkin media lain tak keluarkan kot. So kalau ada still yang ragu2 boleh tanya kat ruang komen dibawah.

Sebab aku dapat source ni dalam english dan malas nak translate ( ada certain orang tak tau bahasa melayu ). Paham tak paham cuba la bukak kamus ye.

10 facts about MyEmail

1.        MyEmail is part of E-Government programme

§      E-Government is the use of technology to enhance access to and delivery of government services to the rakyat and businesses

§      Three strategic thrusts:
o     E-counter services
§      Towards zero face-to-face: 90% of transactions online, 10% in e-forms
§      Available on all devices (kiosk, PC, monile) at all locations and at all channels

o     Paperless government
§      Replacement of paper with digital archives
§      Gradual elimination of paper in stages – minutes, presentations, circulars

o     MyEmail account
§      Secure with single sign-on channel to all government e-services
§      Value-added services (e.g. online bill payment, public record searches etc)

2.        MyEmail is secure and convenient

§      First-time biometric (i.e. finger print) authentication with National Registration Department required, either over-the-counter or at home with purchase of UBS finger print reader, using name and MyKad number

§      Personal identity information such as MyKad number is stored locally and secured by Tricubes , while email service is powered by Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure

§      SSL encryption protects transportation of data, additional layer of protection optional via content encryption using biometrics

§      Single sign-on for email and value-added services compared to multiple registrations and authentications, duplication of information release, and multiple usernames and passwords on other platforms

3.        MyEmail is privately funded

§      Tricubes to fund RM50 million over 10 years

§      Initial funding of RM5.3 million has been secured in the form of convertible securities from Mavcap

§      Tricubes to raise additional funds from rights issues as part of regularisation plan

4.        MyEmail saves the government money

§      Simulation on four agencies shows government can save at least RM200 million over 10 years

§      Cost per email will not exceed RM0.50 compared to at least RM0.90  per physical mail

§      While email delivery is free, RM0.50 cost goes to digital bill presentment solutions (data extraction, conversion and process); this is not accounted for in ‘free’ email transport by other providers

5.        MyEmail project is not a concession for Tricubes

§      Tricubes needs to market and secure contracts from government agencies and private corporations independently

§      No government agency is compelled to use MyEmail or awards fixed term contracts to Tricubes

§      Any contract will be negotiated on open market commercial terms

6.        MyEmail-type services is not exclusive to Tricubes

§      Government agencies can use other existing vendors or other vendors in the future that offers similar services

7.        MyEmail sign-up is voluntary/market-driven

§      The public makes the independent decision to sign-up for MyEmail or otherwise

§      Public acceptance must be based only on merits of MyEmail’s services

8.        Tricubes’ selection was transparent and competitive

§      Five proposals for MyEmail was submitted to the evaluation team comprising MAMPU and GITN

§      Selection criteria were best-in-practice technology, sustainable business model, track record and security

§      MAMPU and GITN adjudged that Tricubes met or surpassed these benchmarks

9.        MyEmail is not propaganda tool

§      MyEmail is a secure digital channel for communication and e-services between the government, and citizens and businesses

§      As it is privately-funded and marketed, it can be use by any federal, state or local authority regardless of political affiliation

10.    MyEmail is not unprecedented

§      A similar service in Singapore called InOneBox will be launched in 2012.

§      According to a fact sheet by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, OneInBox allows individuals and businesses to receive correspondences from government agencies in a single and secure platform through the eCitizen portal using their SingPass.

§      The same document also states that OneInBox will offer potential cost savings to agencies by reducing the need for hardcopy correspondences.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.        If MyEmail is part of the E-Government programme, why is it not a government initiative?

    E-Government is the government’s vision to the use of technology to enhance access to and delivery of government services to the rakyat and businesses. MyEmail, on the other hand, is a privately funded initiative that dovetails into this vision and enables the government to leverage an effective platform without making the upfront investment, in line with the ETP focus for private sector to drive economic growth.

2.        PEMANDU changed the descriptor on MyEmail from government initiative to privately funded initiative. Why?

    We made a genuine mistake. When alerted, we made the correction and went public via Twitter to apologise and announce the amendment in an open and transparent manner.

3.        If it is a private sector initiative, why did the government made the announcement instead?

    The EPPs comprise predominantly of private-sector driven projects. The government has made the incremental Gross National Income and job creation targets public and communicating new projects as they take-off is a way of keeping the public updated on the progress. It does not mean that all projects announcement by the government are public sector projects. This is done in the spirit of transparency and accountability.

4.        Why can’t the government undertake this project instead of outsourcing it to the private sector?

    The government’s core role is to provide efficient service delivery to the public. It should not get into the business of creating communication and service platforms as it may not necessarily have the core competencies to do so. It is more cost efficient and effective to use best-in-practice platforms offered by specialised private entities.

5.        Why was the name changed from 1Malaysia email to MyEmail?

    MyEmail is the correct domain name for the platform and is the correct description.

6.        Won’t Tricubes mine the email database?

    As with other commercially-owned database, Tricubes should be able to mine it provided it does so in line with privacy laws.

7.        Won’t government have access to the email database?

   The database is owned by a commercial entity and the government does not have access to it.

8.        What is so different about this email platform? Can I not receive e-government correspondences via other email platforms?

   The MyEmail account, which includes a MyKad-based authentication security layer, ensures that the government notices reach the correct recipients and reduces incidence of compromised sensitive personal information. Other email platforms may only provide encryption for the transport but cannot rule out mistaken delivery that can compromise sensitive personal information.

9.        By paying Tricubes for use of email platform, isn’t the government financing the project?

    No. The government pays various vendor for services rendered. This does mean that the government is financing those vendors. For MyEmail, government agencies will pay per use on open market commercial terms. In addition, the government does not need to fork up the additional upfront capital expenditure and merely pay for services rendered as part of operational expenditure.

10.    Tricubes has received project financing from Mavcap and has Commerce Technology Ventures and Mayban Venture Capital (both are GLC-controlled) as shareholders. Isn’t this tantamount to government financing?

    No. Venture capital firms receive investments from various investors and invest the money on their behalf. It is not a form of government financing.

11.    Tricubes has only raise RM5.3 million out of the RM50 million investment required. Will the government extend Tricubes any soft loan?

    Tricubes is confident of raising its own financing through internally generated funds and other equity and debt instruments as part of its financial regularisation plan. This is in line with the ETP focus of making the private sector the engine of economic growth.

12.    Why does the government select a company in financial distress to undertake the project?

MAMPU and GITN’s selection criteria were best-in-practice technology, sustainable business model, track record and security. MAMPU and GITN adjudged that Tricubes met or surpassed these benchmarks.

They have also clarified with Bursa Malaysia that a GN3 status can affect Tricubes’ listing status but the company is not prevented from conducting business as usual. It is able to execute business projects, its financial statements are properly drawn up and all its debts and financial obligations are up-to-date.

13.    What about the other contenders?

MAMPU and GITN’s selection criteria were best-in-practice technology, sustainable business model, track record and security. MAMPU and GITN adjudged that Tricubes met or surpassed these benchmarks.

14.    What happens if Tricubes fail to deliver?

Like all private sector projects, if the enterprise fails to deliver, it will lose its investment.

15.    Will the government bailout Tricubes if the business fails?

In a private sector-driven economy, there will be businesses that will fail. The government must allow free market to operate and not bailout failed businesses, save for critical national interest.

16.    Why should government agencies pay up to RM0.50 per email when it can send emails for free on other platforms? How can it be considered as savings?

   Government agencies currently pay up to RM1.00 per mail and even RM2.00 for each returned hardcopy correspondence. This is the cost for data extraction, conversion and process, document generation (paper and print), sorting and enveloping and distribution.

   When you use the MyEmail platform, you only need to pay for data extraction, conversion and process, which cost up to RM0.50 per email, and if necessary, biometric encryption, which may cost more.

    Arguments that such correspondences can be sent free on other email platforms on takes into account the email transport, without considering the cost for data extraction, conversion and process.

    Hence, there is real savings of almost 50 per cent per email should government agencies use MyEmail. However, final terms of usage is subject to open market commercial negotiation between the agencies concerned and Tricubes as the former can choose other vendors or traditional mail.

17.    How can an email platform be a sustainable business model?

   The email platform is part of the business model where senders are charged on pay per use for bill and notice presentment, and users are charged for value-added services. It is a feasible business model.   

18.    Why do we need MyEmail when you already have MyEG?

    MyEmail and MyEG are not alike as the latter is purely a payment portal without an single sign-on authenticated email platform.

19.    What is government’s role in this project?

    As with any project, public or private, there must be KPIs for performance monitoring and accountability. Tricubes decided to adopt the stretched targets set by the CCI NKEA. It does not mean that Malaysians will be compelled to sign on or assigned the service unilaterally.

20.    Why has PEMANDU defended Tricubes so vigorously in public?

    PEMANDU tries to put out timely and accurate information for public interest. Tricubes has also issued two statements, one Q&A document, held a media briefing and engaged with various media. The issue of PEMANDU defending Tricubes does not arise.

21.    Why will Tricubes want to undertake this project in the absence of a concessionaire or business guarantee?

    Private sector owners follow the money and if they are confident to achieve profits, they will undertake the projects. That decision is best left to them.

Moral of the story, banyakkan buat kajian sebelum serang. Banyakkan rujuk ditempat yang betul. Jangan orang bunuh diri, kita pun ikut bunuh diri. Fikir kan kebaikan sesuatu perkara lebih dari fikir negatif. Kerajaan tau apa diorang buat. Kita buat je kerja harian kita mcm biasa. Cuba lah bersatu naik kan nama Malaysia.....

P/S : Bila terfikir keadaan Malaysia macam ni, aku terfikir mana pergi nya rukun negara....

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